Wednesday, August 27, 2014


I need to start being responsible with my blog again.


I can't find a "My diary" post to go with the mood, so I decided to leave it out just for today.


     This post is long overdue. Just as some other ones, I just forgot to publish it. The dates here are from 08-14-2014 to about 08-19-2014. I apologise for the delay, but the semester started and it's has not been easy.


     Although this week has been a long one and lots of things have happened, I can't say much this time. So let's see how this turns out...

     I feel it's kind of hard to write about this past week without getting into real personal detail-like things. Sure, I write about my days in school, travels, adventures and random things that happen in day to day basis. But when it comes to writing about days I spent with someone I love, I just stop myself. You see, I have become really protective with that. In past relationships third parties have become too involved. Sometimes because I let them, sometimes without my consent. What I have right now is too important and precious for me to just share everything out loud. With that said, I will try to write simple points of what I did this past week.

From Thursday to Tuesday:

  1. I went out drinking to the University Ave the first Thursday of the semester. This means that many of the students were out having fun and meeting new people.
  2. Old San Juan. SOFO Culinary Fest was going on. The town was full of food, drinks and people. I didn't know about it, so to get a table for dinner at my favourite restaurant, Pirilos, we had to wait for one hour and half. At least the wait was not boring.
  3. Saw Guardians of the Galaxy. Loved the movie, hated the children who were in the theatre screaming all movie long. I thought if we went early there wouldn't be so many kids, but I was wrong. Still, it was a nice time and a nice movie. You should all watch it. Then a long drive to Aguadilla.
  4. Yes to Crashboat! Went to my favourite beach again. Got a terrible tan. Had to put some aloe vera when I got home. At the end of the night we had a couples beer pong contest. It was a draw. We have to do a rematch to find who is the true Pokemon Master! Wait... I mean beer pong masters.
  5. Lazy days! I love those kind of days when nothing mayor happens after having a really busy week. To just sit down, watch a movie and relax makes me so happy.
  6. Goodbyes had to be said.... OUCH!

     Apart from that, school. I want to graduate soon, so I have to put all my effort to what's left of school. I've learned so much (not really so much, but the basics make me happy) in my Mandarin class so far. Actually, today we had an "out of nowhere" oral presentation. So we had 10 minutes to come up with a conversation in Mandarin and recite it in front of class. It was so stressful. I am not the kind of person who likes attention (as in people looking at me) from big groups. Usually I like to have some time ahead to prepare myself for the idea of standing up in front of a crowd and talking. Ironic since I took drama classes in high school. 

     My other political sciences classes have been pretty good so far. I am really enjoying them all, specially Political Relations between Puerto Rico and the United States of America. So interesting. ... I think that's all for now. Yeah. I just want ice cream because it feels like 97ºF outside. 


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