Wednesday, August 27, 2014


I need to start being responsible with my blog again.


I can't find a "My diary" post to go with the mood, so I decided to leave it out just for today.


     This post is long overdue. Just as some other ones, I just forgot to publish it. The dates here are from 08-14-2014 to about 08-19-2014. I apologise for the delay, but the semester started and it's has not been easy.


     Although this week has been a long one and lots of things have happened, I can't say much this time. So let's see how this turns out...

     I feel it's kind of hard to write about this past week without getting into real personal detail-like things. Sure, I write about my days in school, travels, adventures and random things that happen in day to day basis. But when it comes to writing about days I spent with someone I love, I just stop myself. You see, I have become really protective with that. In past relationships third parties have become too involved. Sometimes because I let them, sometimes without my consent. What I have right now is too important and precious for me to just share everything out loud. With that said, I will try to write simple points of what I did this past week.

From Thursday to Tuesday:

  1. I went out drinking to the University Ave the first Thursday of the semester. This means that many of the students were out having fun and meeting new people.
  2. Old San Juan. SOFO Culinary Fest was going on. The town was full of food, drinks and people. I didn't know about it, so to get a table for dinner at my favourite restaurant, Pirilos, we had to wait for one hour and half. At least the wait was not boring.
  3. Saw Guardians of the Galaxy. Loved the movie, hated the children who were in the theatre screaming all movie long. I thought if we went early there wouldn't be so many kids, but I was wrong. Still, it was a nice time and a nice movie. You should all watch it. Then a long drive to Aguadilla.
  4. Yes to Crashboat! Went to my favourite beach again. Got a terrible tan. Had to put some aloe vera when I got home. At the end of the night we had a couples beer pong contest. It was a draw. We have to do a rematch to find who is the true Pokemon Master! Wait... I mean beer pong masters.
  5. Lazy days! I love those kind of days when nothing mayor happens after having a really busy week. To just sit down, watch a movie and relax makes me so happy.
  6. Goodbyes had to be said.... OUCH!

     Apart from that, school. I want to graduate soon, so I have to put all my effort to what's left of school. I've learned so much (not really so much, but the basics make me happy) in my Mandarin class so far. Actually, today we had an "out of nowhere" oral presentation. So we had 10 minutes to come up with a conversation in Mandarin and recite it in front of class. It was so stressful. I am not the kind of person who likes attention (as in people looking at me) from big groups. Usually I like to have some time ahead to prepare myself for the idea of standing up in front of a crowd and talking. Ironic since I took drama classes in high school. 

     My other political sciences classes have been pretty good so far. I am really enjoying them all, specially Political Relations between Puerto Rico and the United States of America. So interesting. ... I think that's all for now. Yeah. I just want ice cream because it feels like 97ºF outside. 


Thursday, August 14, 2014


     Sorry guys! Since it is the last week of summer/first week of class, I've been really busy with cleaning the apartment and leaving everything ready for the semester. This post had been already written by Monday, but didn't have the time to publish it. You should also know that next week's post will also come late. Thank you for your patience and for reading!

My diary
April 28, 2006
     Classes are over at last! I am on my vacations. Now to thing what to do. Probably I'll be home al day long. There isn't much I can do about that.


     Initially I thought I would only have to wake up early once this week, and sleep off the rest. Sadly, things never go our way even when they do go our way. It's been a long long long week. But at least I am happy to know that I am done running around from office to office... for now. 

     Updates! I got to enroll on the Chinese (Mandarin) language course. Had to change my schedule a bit (a lot actually), but it was totally worth it. Once I had the language class, I went to talk to the Political Science Department Director and got a class that's really important for the completion of the degree. I got asked so many questions about why did I want a degree in Political Sciences instead of any other natural sciences degree. Apparently I did a good job answering because I got the class and the Director said "Valerie, we should sit down and talk later. I want to know about your experience as a Natural Sciences student and other things." 

     There was a time where I didn't care to be recognized by any of my professors. I was pretty much a ghost in all my classes. I've never been someone outgoing in large groups, more like a sit back and observe. However, if there is something I have learned is that observing without commenting takes you nowhere. It's not like I will become a avid participant in class, but I will do my best to contribute to class discussions so that professors can remember my name for future references. 

   Last week at work! I should be more worried than happy. But I've come to see this as an opportunity to grow. I did apply to other libraries and departments in campus, but they will probably be closer to my new faculty and I wont have to deal with ugly vibes anymore. Also, it made me look for internship opportunities in the island and mainland, primarily in non-profit organizations. Apparently there are a broad range of things to do with a BA in Political Sciences.

     My car is fixed! It runs smoothly now and the A/C works perfectly again. So happy to have her back (yes, my car is a girl). I just hope that it doesn't break down in the next 6-7 months. ... aaaaand I wrote this too fast. A/C stopped working again. This time it just doesn't cool. So now I have to go back to the mechanic before Thursday.

     First day of school! For a moment there I thought the summer would never end. It was a nice first day. Had my first Chinese (Mandarin) class. I'll rant about a few things that happen in Mandarin class later. Nothing I didn't learn before in my Au Pair classes, which is nice. Other two classes were just introductions and papers of what we would study and what we needed. The heat was terrible though. Had to take a nap after that. But all around, it was pretty nice.

Quick points:
1. THURSDAAAAAYYYY!!! Can't wait for it.
2. Happy to be able to have lunch at the vegetarians again. Yay for healthy food.
3. The new roommate (L) is here. Excitement!

Hope you have a good semester!


Monday, August 4, 2014


My diary
June 29, 2006
(Back story: I was in Orlando, FL on vacations with my mom's boyfriend and his daughter. We were staying at a hotel. I met some cool children in the common area while I wrote on my diary. So here is what one of them wrote...)
     Your friend who's very sexy and fine that you met an hour ago and has a nice body and is very very very very funny.

     I went back and started reading my first posts. I had so many expectations with the whole Au Pair program. It kind of hurts that I didn't get the chance to finish it as I wanted. Maybe I didn't plan it well enough. Still, I am happy to have been able to experience a bit of that program and will cherish the memories.

     After a few days without work, Tuesday started again. These will be the last two weeks I have left at work, so I will be at it every day of the week just to make the most money I can. It's nice because my supervisor is back and I am also working with K. Still, the head boss has been a bit... grouchy lately. Everyone knows so. My supervisor had to apologize in her behalf because she knew that the way I was fired was not the correct one. Sadly, I am just a student assistant so there is not much I can do about it. Just move on and try to find a new job at another library. On a positive note, my supervisor said she would be happy to provide a reference letter if needed, and she did. I am impressed with all the positive things she wrote about me. I can't thank her enough for that. 

     Car's A/C broke again. Well, my car in general. One of these days I will throw the car down a cliff and watch it burn while I smile in a creepy way... Also, I should go get an ID soon, just in case I get asked for one when going out for a drink. It's funny because legal drinking age in Puerto Rico is 18, I am 23 and I still get asked for my ID at places. Good genes right here.

     Wednesday was wine and beer pong day. Somehow Owlady and her boyfriend thought it was a good idea to fill up red cups with beer and wine, wine cups having as much as beer ones. K was my partner and let me tell you, he sucks at beer pong so much. We lost 3 out of 3 games, so you can imagine how wasted we ended up. But we had a lot of fun, all in the safety of our apartment. Now that I know that my table is great for beer pong, I guess I'll be doing more competitions like this during the semester!

     Do you like snakes? I love them. They are so majestic. Ever since I was a little girl I've wanted one as a pet, but my mom is scared of them so I never had it. But now that I live "by my own" there's an opportunity to have one. The thing is, Owlady said the other day "Hey! You guys like snakes? I want to buy one." ... and in that moment I was the happiest person alive. She said she will buy the whole thing about next week. Yay to pet snakes!!

     We had a storm on Saturday. It didn't rain as much as I would have liked, but it was nice to have some not so hot weather. There had been a drought the past few weeks, so a good rain was much needed in the island. What I find stupid is that, even though it rained, it wasn't much and, instead of keeping the rationalization of water in a smaller scale until the reservoir (or dam, not sure which to use) is at healthy levels, they just decided to set it back until there is another drought. Puerto Rico does it better.

     AUGUST IS HERE!!! Campus was full today. Suddenly I remembered why I loved studying so much... The semester starts next Monday and I am not happy with that (contradictory, I know). It means that we have to go back to studying and being a responsible adult. On the bright side, it also means meeting new people, having new adventures and just having something to do instead of being in bed all day.

Time for radom points:
1. Ten more days for Thursday!
2. Can't wait to put on my "I ♥ BJ" shirt (BJ stands for Beijing) for school.
3. I miss some of my college friends. Getting to see them is a plus.
4. Today has been the most productive/unproductive day ever. I felt like flipping tables everywhere.
 5. My last week of summer and I will spend it all at work.
